DIY Coffee House Coffee

Have you ever longed for a coffee house latte/cappuccino but couldn’t face the elements outside?! Well this is a great tip for at home coffees with a touch of luxury…..

Here’s what you do: Take a jar and fill it with fresh milk. Cover the jar and shake it like a maniac for about 30-40 seconds until the milk is foamy and doubled in size. Take off the top of the jar and microwave the milk for about 40-45 seconds. The heat of the microwave stabilizes the foamy milk and makes an amazing accompaniment to your instant coffee. Ta da, DIY foamed cappuccino!



Book Case Room Divider

If you live in a loft, studio apartment or open floor plan a book case without a solid back creates a great room divider and allows for light to peep though while also providing a nice room divider and storage solution. One room becomes two!!


Bookshelf Dividerbook shelf2

On Your Bike!

Here at Black And White Living we’re always on the look out for creative ways of upcycling unused materials in an attempt to create an original and beautiful addition to your home.

Bicycle wheels can be transformed in so many different ways to add a feature piece to your space! In Black And White we have transformed some old bicycle wheels into hanging chandeliers using old twigs, utensils found in your kitchen, Christmas bobbles, spray paint and a little bit of fishing line to attach it all together.

Black And White Living Original Creation


Here are some other alternatives that I came across on Pinterest –

wheel1 wheel2 wheel3 wheel4


College Room Hacks

As it is that time of year once again when school leavers head off on their educational journey, leave the homestead for a shared house somewhere a couple of bus journeys away and most do it on a tight budget so it’s nice to have the small home comforts to make the temporary room a home!

I came across these great tips that I’m sure all college goers current and previous would have liked to use..

Let us know if you give any of the room hacks a go, we’d love to see your own versions!


P.S We have lots of the college starter essentials in our Homeware department and LOTS of coffee on tap for the long study sessions + free wifi! 🙂

Wake up and smell the coffee!

For anyone that loves the smell of coffee in their home this is the perfect solution!

Place vanilla scented candles into a heat resistant container, preferably glass so that the coffee beans are visible through the container. Using left over coffee beans or a handful of what you can spare, fill the container. Place the vanilla scented tea light into the container ensuring the candle is surrounded by coffee beans, this allows the beans to gently heat up giving a light aroma of coffee throughout your home. Decorate with a tied piece of cord or ribbon and there you have your very own DIY vanilla coffee candle.

Experiment with different scented candles and refresh the coffee beans every now and then to give a fresh coffee aroma!

We have a selection of candle holders and tea lights available in Black And White Living, Coes Rd, Dundalk.


DIY Spool Coffee Table

This is a great way of upcycling an old wire spool and turning it into a creative and unique feature in your home. We have created our own version in our showroom and it has proved to be very popular among our customers. It’s so simple and can be as much or as little effort as you feel fit!

Step 1

Firstly find an old, unwanted, empty spool like this one…

spool table1

Step 2

Clean it down and sand it to prevent any splinters or sharp edges. Give it a couple of coats of paint in whatever colour or stain you prefer. We went with a white paint!

spool table 2

Step 3

Lastly you could add some casters to the bottom to allow for easy movement around your home!

Ta daaaa easy peasy low cost and unique coffee table!!!

spool table 3


Our Own Spool below is the ideal show piece for our homeware products!


(Images copyright of



A Quick Introduction….

Hi there,

Firstly if you’re reading this congratulations on taking the time to pick up some great advice and tips on coffee, home and interior design, kitchen design and all things construction and DIY!

For those of you that don’t know who we are or what we do we are a new company called Black And White Living  located on  the Coes Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland! We sell and design contemporary kitchens, unique and decorative homeware products and we have a team of expert builders/developers on site to answer any refurbishment or new build queries. We also have a deliciously fantastic coffee house on location!

We aim to provide a new shopping experience for all who visit us by providing the facilities to allow you to shop, browse, consult and then contemplate your new purchase over a steaming cup of gourmet coffee! What more could you want?! 🙂